Friday, June 25, 2010


One can realize that every sunnah has dual benefits in this life and hereafter, so its now high time we should adopt it, instead follow our own way or others culture and lifestyle. Its general advise including myself and not to anyone in particular as everyone is answerable on its own to the following 3 questions in the Grave where no one will accompany us except our deeds. Are we prepared for it………………………

1. Who is your Lord (Rab)?

2. What is your Religion?

3. Who is this person?

Its easy to say here, but in grave only when we have spent our life here in Islamic way following sunnah and protected our Iman(strongly) will be able to answer it otherwise, it will be very very difficult………….get ready before its too late. The success and failure after that will be forever…………………..May Allah guides to the right path…


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