Sunday, December 27, 2009


Many important things in life have no corporeal existence. They can just be fell by hearts, hearts that have been bestowed the power to do so, Goodness is one of them.

Goodness never dies. In fact it is said to be the only investment that never fails. One good that you might do today some one will pass on to someone else. And it will return back to you some time, with the only difference that it would do so in a different direction chosen by God himself and no other.

By Whom
An act of goodness can only be proffered by the content, the Holy and the Mighty. For people who are unable to see the good behind what is happening to them. So if you are capable of doing anyone andy good, consider yourself lucky. Not every one is capable of having this thought come to their mind either.

To Whom
There is no one more less worthy to receive an act of kindness. Any person, who comes across you, no matter what class or level he hails from, provides you a reason to do same good. Avail it.


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Precious Words

 زندگی چاہئے آپ کو کتنا بھی تھکا دے لیکن کھڑے رہنا پڑتا ہے۔۔۔ اس لیے کہ  کچھ لوگ آپ سے ٹیک لگائے ہوتے ہیں